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OTC Acne Solutions: Clarisonic Plus System & Spot Therapy Kit For Face and Body

This is what people is saying about Clarisonic Plus System & Spot Therapy Kit For Face and Body:

"The Clarisonic Plus utilizes the same technology as the Sonicare toothbrush. It uses vibration to penetrate the surface level of the skin and provide a more thorough cleansing than with soap and water alone. I've used this system for 2+ weeks and noticed a difference in the texture and softness of my skin immediately. After 3 days, I saw a visible difference in the size of my pores and my skin has a glow that wasn't previously there...One benefit is that your skin care products will last longer if you are using the Clarisonic Plus. I find that I am using less cleanser, moisturizer, etc because my skin is cleaner and has fewer layers of dead skin cells so products are absorbed into the skin much better than before. For example, I apply a mask each week of bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar that normally warms and tightens as it dries on the skin. After using the Clarisonic for a week, the warming and tightening of the mask intensified and my skin was smoother than normal."

"I was skeptical. I was hesitant and kinda scoffed at the idea that a rotating brush could do much for me. I felt my skin before I used the product, pretty darn smooth. I tested it after I used the product - wow, it made my before skin feel like sand paper. I just knew that it cleaned out buildup of product (makeup, cleanser, lotion, whatever) because my skin actually GLOWED. I used the standard 2 minutes function on my t-zone. It really buffed away some spots that had raised bumps before. Pretty insane b/c I really didn't think I need this product. I could only imagine what it could do for people who have problematic skin."

"I've had the Clarisonic Plus system for about a month now. I noticed pretty big results, even just in the first week, seeing my crater-sized pores reduce to near-nothingness and now noticing that the worry line along my forehead is going away, as well as the ones along my mouth. Mostly I've seen a huge improvement on the softness of my skin and the bad acne completely vanishing. I couldn't be more thrilled!"

Read more feedback on Clarisonic Plus System & Spot Therapy Kit For Face and Body

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